Sunday, March 9, 2008

Great Grandma Bunny's

A couple weekends ago we drove out to Indio to see Great Grandma Bunny and Gordon. After some running around and lunch we went to the Riverside County Fair and Date Festival. We took Marco to the petting zoo and then into the barn to see the other animals. So many cows and goats and pigs and sheep. He was very exited running from place to place to look at all the animals. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures because we forgot our camera, although most likely they would have all been just streaks across the screen.

When we got back to Grandma's I had an ice cream bar. Marco was very insistent on having this ice cream bar. I was trying to hold it and give him a bite, but this would not do. He had to have it himself. How does he even know this is a good thing? He has never had an ice cream bar. I have never eaten one in front of him. I swear kids have an instinct for what is going to be good. Anyway after a crying fit, I gave in. Then Grandma got out more ice cream bars for Alessandro and me. Alessandro handed me one and I started to eat it. As soon as Marco realized the situation he started to freak out. Eventually he ended up with an ice cream bar in each hand. (All others were hidden from view.) Then I dared to take a bite of one. Oh, the torrent of tears that followed that bite. Alessandro of course stood by snapping as many pictures of the scene as possible. It was quite amusing.

Marco calming down after receiving both ice cream bars.

After realizing I took a bite of one.

"No you don't! You can't take it from me now. I've had this ice-cream bar since I was a CHILD! People... always trying to take it from me! Why won't they LEAVE ME ALOOOOOONNNNE?" -Ren

After the ice cream incident and an unsuccessful attempt at a nap. Marco and Great Grandma had some time to play.

Then Gordon took Marco for a walk around the park. They looked for fish.

And Gordon taught Marco the finer points of golf.

On Sunday, we went to Elmer's, except it wasn't Elmer's anymore! But don't worry, they still have German pancakes (under the disguised name of Dutch Babies). Apparently that Elmer's was a franchise (maybe they all are, I don't know) and Elmer's doubled the percentage take they were asking for. Instead of paying this, the owners decided to go at it on their own, but they still have exactly the same menu. They had to change the name of the German pancakes because that is an Elmer's trademark or something. The owner told me they got to keep all the recipes though.

Shortly after eating, we headed back to LA. Here is a picture of Marco at home sitting on the bench Grandma got him. Gordon made the little table that goes with it.

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