She brought Marco a monkey. When I was cleaning up I put the monkey on the bench and Marco got on the bench and hugged the monkey and his frog. I called Alessandro to look because it was so cute and Alessandro told me to take a picture. I said I didn't know where the camera was. Then Marco said "camera, camera," so I had to go get the camera. Then he said "cheese." Now everytime he sits on the bench he says camera. What a ham.
Marco discovered a future occupation possibility... hair dresser!
He mooched In-n-Out of off Nicole. Good thing she at least is good at sharing!Chocolate Shake...
And a cheeseburger!
The next time I see him he better know that once a fry is dipped in ketchup it gets eaten...NOT licked and put back in the pile! :-P
mmmmm, ketchup
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