Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Talking Up a Storm [Parlare una cifra]

I thought I would list some of the things Marco is saying now...
Let's go (while waving arm in a come on kind of way), Here you go, Zebra (pronounced zeba), Shoe (pronounced shoe), Horse (pronounced shoe but he does mean two distinctly different things), cow, Heidi, Mamma, Daddy, Elmo, What's that?, right there, cereal, cracker, cookie (where did he learn that one from?), meat, peas, he can say the letters of the alphabet (and knows many of them), two, three, four, five, and many other numbers if prompted, elephant, giraffe, hippo, penguin, tiger, book, kitty, Piper, Sirena (pronounced Nena), flower, tree, Santa, pumpkin, nurse, switch, water, Okay, no, outside, bird, car, fire truck, helicopter, bus, ball, turtle, shark, kangaroo, bye, Ciao, Mickey Mouse, sock, clock (kind of sounds like cock), chicken, flamingo, monkey, nose, sun, triangle, star, circle, all done, train, airplane, and well the list goes on
Some things he says perfectly, some only I can understand (and perhaps other well trained parents)
Ho pensato di elencare alcune parole che Marco dice adesso...
Andiamo (accompagnando con il movimento del braccio la parola), Ecco qua, Zebra (detto zeba), Scarpa, Cavallo (pronunciato come Scarpa ma inteso come due cose completamente distinte), Mucca, Heidi, Mamma, Papa', Che e'?, li', cereali, cracker, biscotto (chissa' da chi ha imparato questa qui), carne, piselli, sa dire le lettere del alfabeto (riconosce molte di loro), due, tre, quattro, cinque, e altri numeri se richiesti, elefante, giraffa, ippopotamo, pinguino, tigre, libro, gattino, Piper, Sirena (pronunciato Nena), fiore, albero, Babbo Natale, zucca, allattami, cambio, acqua, OK, no, fuori, uccello, macchina, camion dei pompieri, elicottero, autobus, palla, tartaruga, squalo, canguro, arrivederci, Ciao, Topolino, calzino, orologio, pollo, fenicottero, scimmia, naso, sole, triangolo, stella, cerchio, finito, treno, aeroplano, e tante altre cose (solamente in inglese...).
Alcune cose le dice perfettamente, altre soltanto io (Heidi) le posso capire (o altri genitori veramente allenati).


Nicole said...

This warmed my heart to read! And trust me it needs warmed after surfing the snow storm on my way to work!

Where would that little boy ever learn the word cookie? I am shocked!

Mom said...

Dad fessed up to that one. I thought it might be Sesame Street.

Mom said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I still have no idea what he is saying a good 75% of the time.

Nicole said...

I love that shoe means horse and you can tell the difference! I will never forget the story in child language acquisition class about the little girl who called shoes "mom"...turned out that's what she associated with her mom when she left for work. So you may not understand now but their minds are working overtime!

Oh, and Dad teaching him cookie is not shocking at all!!!! :-)